Holding the World Food Day Conference at the Deputy Food and Drug Administration in Hamadan

Dr. Rostami, vice president of food and medicine of Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, stated at the World Food Day conference: Food production in the world is more than the amount of people’s needs, but 2.8 billion of the world’s population do not have access to healthy food, which has various reasons. Kurd: One of the causes of this issue is the weather conditions in each region, which are repeatable and may cause the loss of some agricultural products, as well as the political conditions of the world, which are mainly colonialist countries with colonial and sometimes warlike policies that lead to the creation of these restrictions, among others. Reasons for lack of fair access to food are considered.

Asraf, vice president of food and medicine of Hamedan University of Medical Sciences, listed wastage and waste as other limiting factors in the fair distribution of food. It is worth mentioning that

Ms. Dr. Samaneh Faraji, an expert in food and beverages of the School of Food and Drug Administration, attended this conference.

At the end of this ceremony, the winners of the food production units were honored with plaques and gifts.

Public relations of Asadabad School of Medical Sciences and Health Services

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